I'm here to counter all three of those statements and tell you that if you are a born again Christian, each of those statements is a LIE. If you say them, you are lying. Which is a sin. Fyi.
Think back to before you became born again. For some of you, it's more recent than others. For me, I honestly can't remember anything before the day I invited Jesus into my life (I was 7). So for this, I'll have to give examples from people I know since I don't have these myself. When you were not born again, you were what the Bible calls a "sinner". Before you knew Jesus, the devil was your father. Perhaps you struggled with alcohol, depression, sicknesses, sex outside of marriage, addictions, lying, cheating, stealing, cussing, gossip and so on. All of these are sinful acts that "sinners" commit. You may not have done all of them, goodness, I hope you haven't..... anyway, to call yourself a "sinner" means you identify with the above mentioned sins and you literally CAN NOT help but do those things.... they are something you have no control of. This is why as Christians, we should never be mad at a sinner for their behaviors. They know not what they do (Luke 23:34). They are simply listening to their father and obeying what their father, the devil, tells them to do.
At this point, some of you are thinking.... "but Amie, I'm born again, Jesus lives in me but I've still done some of those things you mentioned... I know I've sinned. Doesn't that make me a sinner, then?" Answer: nope. Here's why: now you are as 2 Corinthians 5:17 in the amplified Bible says: "ingrafted into Christ, a new creation; the old has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!"
Every person, whether born again or not is a 3 part being. Spirit, soul and body. When you're a sinner (not born again) your spirit is filled with the devil. When you become a Christian, your spirit is yanked out (gently by your NEW father, God!) and replaced with the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is Jesus and God (the Trinity). You are now "born again" your spirit literally died and was buried and now you have a BRAND new spirit, the Holy Spirit! So now, 1/3 of you is Jesus. That 1/3 of you controls your soul and your body. Now, we do have a majority of Christians who let their soul (mind, will and emotions) or their body control them. I hope you are not one of them. Your spirit is meant to rule! Let it!
So since 1/3 of you is born again, this means you are no longer, by definition a "sinner". You have God on the inside of you. You have been raised to newness of life! You are now: righteous (in right standing with God), you are holy, you are healed, you find favor everywhere you go, you have joy, peace, patience, self-control, love etc. etc. This is who you are. This is who God sees.
When you say that you're just a "sinner" and you're "unworthy" or "unclean" you're basically slapping Jesus across the face and saying "what you did for me, wasn't good enough." OH MY. People, what He did for us on the cross was WAY good enough. In fact, it was PERFECT. He took all of our sin and sickness upon Himself, so we can be FREE. We are FREE! Take a moment and thank Him for this..............
Now, as a born again Christian you may still commit sin. This does not mean you are a sinner. It means you are a born again Christian who messed up. You repent, forgive yourself, and you move on knowing God isn't mad at you. In fact, He forgave you the instant it happened! If you feel any condemnation or guilt from your sins, it isn't from God. It's from the devil. he always tries to bring us down and he's really good at bringing all your past sins right in front of your face, just hoping he can make you feel like a "sinner" like you're "unworthy" and that you're "unclean". James 4:7 says to resist the devil and he WILL flee from you. DO IT! Say "devil, Jesus bore all my sin and all my sickness on the cross, what He did IS GOOD ENOUGH, I don't need to think about my sin any more. Flee from ME NOW in the name of Jesus!" You have the right to do that. You have the authority to do that. Jesus gave us (man) his authority in the earth. Adam had this authority to begin with, but then he gave it to the devil in the garden of Eden. When Jesus came, He restored our authority and power back to us humans! His perfect creation :) Oh He loves us so much!
Your conscience convicts you when you sin, as a born again Christian. This is normal and should happen. It shouldn't feel good to sin. But let me tell you from personal experience, if you sin once, it gets easier to sin the next time and the next time and the next time. Pretty soon, you no longer feel convicted from your sin and God will somehow get you back on track. He's trying to get you back all the time. He loves His children (that's us!!!!). What kind of a parent sees their child making poor decisions in life and just says "well, forget him/her, I'm moving on"? Gosh, no Godly parent would do that. Why do people think God does that? He is ALWAYS trying to get you back into the Kingdom! Back to where all those blessings, I mentioned above are! You need to be walking with God to walk in His promises. The Bible is full of His promises for us. It's up to us to CHOOSE to operate and take those blessings. They are all located inside of us (that 1/3 of you that is born again), but it's your choice to let them flow into the other 2/3 of you.
Let me end with this:
What are you letting come out of your mouth as a born again Christian? Remember, that if you are not saved, you literally can not control what words come out of your mouth. So I'm not talking to the unsaved here.
Born again Christians, what words are you speaking? Proverbs 18:21 says "death and life are in the power of the tongue, those that love it with eat the fruit of it (either death or life)."
Death = satan and Life= God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.
If you're saying "I'm a sinner, I'm unclean, oh I'm so unworthy Lord, why do you love me?" You're confessing death with the power of your tongue. those words are not LIFE words. Speak LIFE.
What is in your heart is what you say out of your mouth (mark 11:23). If you believe you're a sinner, then that is what you'll say. Romans 12:2 tells us to renew our minds to the Word of God. When you renew your mind, you're READING THE WORD and finding out what the Bible says you are. Let God's Word paint the picture of who you are. Not the world around you that is so full of sin and sinners.
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