Friday, August 20, 2010

It's US against the World

As God works on me more and more each day, I realize more and more how I am not supposed to "fit in" with the world.

Before you read on, ask yourself this one question: is it blatantly OBVIOUS (exceedingly clear) to every SINGLE person that I meet out in the world, that I am a Christian? Do people come up to me and say "you're a Christian aren't you?" or are people surprised when you tell them you're a Christian?

God has shown me in the past month JUST how much it matters what I look like and what I act like when I'm out in the world. Let me begin with a true story: Amie Goes To the Dentist.

I should begin this story by telling you that I do NOT like the dentist. And by dentist I'm referring to the whole experience, not the actual doctor, he's fine, I just don't like what the hygienist ladies do to my teeth and mouth. Anyway, as I parked my car and began my walk into the dentist's office, I realized I could either be pouty about the whole experience, or I could GROW UP and put up with the fact that free insurance=free teeth cleaning (even if it's painful). I decided on the latter. As I sat in the waiting room, I forced myself to smile at an adorable child sitting next to me and chatted with the secretary about the humidity of July in Minnesota. As I waited, my friend Carrie W. called me, I don't even remember what she called about exactly, all I remember is that I was quoting scripture to her when the hygienist walked in to get me. I quickly ended the convo with Carrie and headed back with her. I greeted her with a huge smile, like I always do, and she just kept staring at me. I thought it was a bit odd, but didn't care, so I started asking her about herself. She told me a bit about her, then she started probing me about myself and told me that I have the most beautiful eyes and smile! Meanwhile, she still has not begun my teeth cleaning, only prolonging my time in the dentist's chair..... I mentioned that teaching is my "calling" from God and that I'm teaching one more year of inner city, then heading to Bible College. At this point, she very loudly declares, "I KNEW YOU WERE A CHRISTIAN." After that, we talked about mission trips she had taken the past few years and what her son was up to in the Christian walk. Good chat. Took twice as long for my teeth to be cleaned, but hey, I'd say it was worth it.

I can't even tell you how many random people have began talking with me as I'm waiting in line at the store or am just walking through the store for that matter. It never fails that I end up in conversation with the person at the checkout of wherever I am. Stayed a few minutes longer in the Wendy's drive through yesterday because the man at the window struck up a convo with me. All of this has happened within the past month and a half.

Proverbs 3:4 "Then you will find favor and much success in the sight of God and humanity."

Matthew 5:16 "In the same way let your light shine in front of people. Then they will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven."

In my previous post, I talked a lot about how 1/3 of you is JESUS. When you and I go out into the world (outside your house) we should be RADIATING the LIGHT of JESUS! He's INSIDE OF US PEOPLE!!!!! Since he's only 1/3 of us, that leaves 2/3 of us that is NOT Jesus. Unfortunately, most of the body of Christ (in my personal opinion) is letting their soul and body (the other 2/3 of them) rule how they look, feel and respond to others.

Well, how does one let their spirit dominate their soul and body? By reading the Word. I mean, it's that simple. Romans 12:2 tells us to continually renew our minds to the Word. Why? because if we don't read the Word EVERY DAY (yes every day) then it's real possible our flesh or our soul will begin to dominate us. If you ever feel like you're in a "bad mood" or that you're "cranky" I've got news for you..... your soul or flesh is dominating you. You gotta get your Spirit back on top! By reading the Word!

From my dentist adventure, you can tell that my FLESH wasn't thrilled about being there. But it was VITALLY important that I be there for the hygienist to experience God's love. If I had been in a bad mood and not been smiling, who knows where our conversation would have gone. In the deep end most likely.

Before I exit my car to go into a store, I remind myself that I am JESUS' way to reach the world. I am His vessel. If I choose to not show Him to the world, who knows when the next time someone that I see will experience God's love from someone else. It's up to me. Now, yes, I suppose that's a whole lot of responsibility, but hey, Jesus died on the cross and suffered to the point of being UNRECOGNIZABLE so that I could live in freedom and dominion over the devil. I'd say, I can GLADLY exercise God's love to every single person I meet for the rest of my life. It's the least I can do.....

As I was driving home today, this thought hit me "what makes you look different than the world?" So I pondered it. When I got home, I got on FB and saw Trip Lee & Pro did an interview about their song "Covenant Eyes". This song is about the struggle for Christian men in this world when there are half dressed women prancing about. I mean, that's roughly it. They're both married and are trying to stay pure. They discuss how hard that is with TV, secular radio, movies and just walkin the streets.

Ladies, Godly ladies, we have a very important job to do for all the men on this earth. Our job is to NOT tempt them to lust after us. I remember hearing from a Christian man who had done some research on the way that men are wired. Men are much more visual than women. Meaning, they NOTICE the way women look. Now, it's one thing to think a woman looks beautiful and it's another thing to think about what's under her clothes because they can pretty much see what's under those tight, short, see through clothes.

Fashion trends have changed and continue to change. However, I won't change with them. Thank God the low rise pants with the short shirts that barely meet the waistline are out.... for now. Still see a few ladies sporting that ensemble. Long shirts are in at the moment. And the short short skits seem to have potentially taken a break. Ladies, I don't know if you understand what short skirts and low cut shirts do to men. Even GODLY MEN. Now some women, I've heard it, say, "well, if he's a man of God, he'll just divert his eyes, I can wear whatever I want." Nope, I'm sorry, that's not the right attitude at all. We should not tempt them. Sure, they should divert their eyes, and I'd like to think a majority of them do, however, we have a GREAT role to play in the purity of men.

Growing up, I would judge what I wore based on everyone around me, rather than what the Word says. I'd look at everyone in church and I'd think, oh well if they're wearing that, it's ok for me to wear that. I've had a few low cut tops myself. It got worse living in Kansas City and working with well-endowed African American women, who say "if you've got it, hunny, flaunt it!" Hmmmmm, I don't want my breasts hanging out, my GOD, those are only for my husband to see.... that's it. NO BODY ELSE. I've given most of those tops a rest, I wear a t-shirt under the ones I still want to keep. High cut shirts have become my friend. Knee-length skirts too, and I am proud to say I don't own ANY shorts. Every pants item I have at least come to my knees.

For a while, I considered it a compliment when I'd wear tight clothing, or a cute short dress with heels and men would stare at me. I used to like that. My self confidence was wrapped up in the way I looked rather than what God says about me. Now if I catch a man looking at me in an inappropriate way, I majorly reflect on what I'm wearing and I typically get rid of that outfit. This doesn't mean I can't wear cute clothing. It does mean that I don't want to be the one who makes a man sin. When you think sexual thoughts, that's sin. Even if you don't act it out, it's sin to even have those thoughts. I'm not going to cause others to sin.

So back to the original question, "do you stand out in the world"?

John 15:19 "If you had anything in common with the world, the world would love you as one of its own. But you don't have anything in common with the world. I chose you from the world and that's why the world hates you."

Do you realize what that says? We shouldn't just blend into the world. We shouldn't "fit in" with everyone else. Remember in Junior High when you just wanted to fit in, well you should NEVER want to fit in. You should DESIRE to be different. The Bible tells us we are different. We are not like the children of the world. We should NOT love the world or anything in it. The world should hate us. Wow.... who wants to be hated? Well, nobody in their flesh desires to be hated. We need to get past seeking everyone's approval because the ONLY approval needed is God's. Is He approving of how you live your life? That's all that matters. It doesn't matter what name brand you wear, or what car you drive, or if you own 5 TV's and if they're the latest and the greatest. How much do you "look" just like everyone else in the world? Do you stand out as different? Are you easily identified as a Christian, which will make some people hate you? Look at how much Jesus was hated, He was killed for YOU. What are you willing to do for Him?

1 comment:

  1. The modesty thing is fairly new to me also...well it's been 4 years or so I guess. I never liked showing much skin anyway but I became more aware of the tight clothes and such. I have worn knee length (or longer) skirts every day for the last 4 years. I'm to the point where I feel uncomfortable in anything else, pants even feel too tight. I frequently ask my husband if some of my shirts are too tight or too low cut, and he is always completely honest with me. We both recently bought modest swim suits and we had just as much fun in the ocean as everyone else, just not exposing our selves. Sounds like you're going through a great change in your life, I've been there...and not everyone around you understands why. Doesn't matter what the world does or thinks, as long as it's pleasing to God. :)
