Wow, it's honestly amazing how fast this year has gone! It has flown by! Wow! Am I different, um YES! I know there are definitely people who come to this school, they sit under the Word for the entire year and remain unchanged but for me that just isn't possible. The Word of God means so much to me and I CRAVE it. I CRAVE listening to awesome men and women of God talk about Jesus and how He has changed their lives and things that He has taught them! One of my favorite teachers here at CBC is Barry Bennett. He references SO MUCH WORD in his teaching and I love his organization. Probably because I am also a teacher and he clearly has the teaching gift. (here is a link to his site with some of his articles in English, they are also in Spanish!
When you get a hold of the LOVE of God, you honestly can't get enough of Him! You want to listen to music about Him, talk to people who love Him and listen to people teach about Him! I have entered into some unfamiliar territory in my life. I've never truly understood the love of God and trust me I haven't arrived but I've left (as Andrew often says). I feel almost as if I'm at the edge of the cliff of His love and I'm ready to take a DIVE into the ocean of His love and I'll never EVER be the same!
The Bible tells us God is Love (1 John 4:8). If this is so, then LOVE is a person.
John 8:32 says, "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". Truth is a person.
LOVE and TRUTH are descriptions of God. There are so many more but I want to highlight those two for now.
People talk about experiencing the presence of God. When they do, they experience LOVE and TRUTH. These are who God is. Love is not an emotion, it's a state of being. When we say "oh I love that movie" and so on, love is not the right word. Of course, we know what we mean. We mean we really like it. However, love is a description of God, therefore a description of us!
Romans 8:11 in the JB Phillips translation says, "..once the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead lives within you he will, by that same Spirit, bring to your whole being new strength and vitality."
I like that! We have the same power within us that raised Jesus from the dead! That power is the power of God! We have God living inside us. Wow. No wonder the Bible says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" Philippians 4:13. If that is true that I can do all things THROUGH Christ and Christ lives in me...... then wow, I can LOVE unconditionally as He does. I am LOVE! Since God is LOVE, so am I! Since God is TRUTH, then so am I! I reflect the image of Christ everywhere I go. God is Love and Truth. I am Love and Truth. That should be obvious to those around me!
As I continue feeding on the Word of God, I am recharging myself spiritually, if you will. Now technically, yes, your spirit has everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). HOWEVER, not everyone knows that, therefore, they are not experiencing what is available to them through Christ! It is so important to be constantly filling yourself with the Word, to not only discover what belongs to you and WHO YOU ARE! but also to "recharge". Proverbs 4:22 tells us that God's word is life and health unto all our flesh. As you read His word, you are actually being healed. It is THAT powerful!
I'll end with this, my version of John 16:13 is "you have the spirit of truth living on the inside of you! He guides you into ALL truth AND shows YOU things to come." Thank God for Jesus! Jesus said he wouldn't "leave" us per say but that He would send another comforter (John 14:16) which is that Spirit of Truth! The Holy Spirit! We are NEVER left alone people! We have the author of TRUTH and LOVE living on the inside of US! We have ALL we need! As you read His word, that LOVE and TRUTH is stirred up within you, so to speak, and you will notice you are operating in more LOVE and more TRUTH every day!
Feed your Spirit, Spirit food, the WORD!
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