Sunday, March 13, 2011

Miracles! Miracles! You mean miracles happen TODAY?!

Yup. They sure do. I want to encourage anyone reading this that you, too, can see miracles if you have Jesus living inside you :)

In Oct. 2010- I went to a good friend's wedding. Was sitting with my friend Danielle. She mentioned she had a headache (she had to cancel hanging out with me before the wedding since she wasn't feeling well). I told her I'd pray quick, so I placed my hand on the back of her neck, commanded the headache to go. Mind you, she had this headache for HOURS before seeing me and within that hour it was gone. I didn't ask her how quickly it left, but she came up to me at the reception telling me it was all gone! PRAISE GOD! I love His goodness :)

Also in Oct. 2010- I went and visted the McCoys (visit their blog See my post from Nov. 5th about that trip!

Jan. 2011- A co-worker had a toothache due to a cavity. She had a dentist appt. scheduled for a few days later. Another co-worker and I went and laid hands on her cheek and commanded the tooth to heal and pain to go. She said it was much better but there was still a bit of pain. We commanded the rest to go in the name of Jesus and it was all gone. She jumped for joy! She couldn't stop smiling! God is so good, and he touched her! She believes He is real and loves her!

Jan. 2011- My friend Jenny had twisted her ankle at work. She was in quite a bit of pain. We were walking around and she was limping. I offered to pray. She accepted, I took her hand and commanded the ankle to heal and be pain free. She walked around and said it felt a little better. I did it again, she said it was much better. I did it a third time and she was nearly 100% but had to go due to the -10 degree weather and we were outside :) I asked her later how her foot was and she said it was all better!

Feb. 2011- My friend Jenny's little boy had a cold. He had been coughing for days, so she asked me to pray. I called her that evening when he was with her and she held the phone between them and I commanded the cough to go and all remnants of that cold to GO in Jesus' name! The next day she told me he didn't cough at all that night and slept great! He was healed!

Feb. 2011- my dog is 11 and has been physically fit (so to speak) always. All the sudden one day, I got home from school and she could barely stand up. Her hips kept giving out and she appeared to be in a great deal of pain. I laid hands on her and commanded her hips to be healed and to work the way they were designed to work from God. She got better the next day but had a slight hesitation to walk normal, so I kept commanding life to her hips. The day after that she was totally healed! Right after that I was petting her abdomen and noticed a huge protrusion on her rib cage. It was hard and seriously was 2 inches by 2 inches. I just immediately commanded it to leave. Nothing causing my dog pain belongs, so I stood on the word of God that I lay my hands on THE SICK and THEY do recover! Woke up the next day and felt her and it was completely gone! I love that Jesus will heal EVEN a dog. So good!

March 2011- cast out my first "known" demons. I'm pretty sure I've done it before for different sicknesses but anyway.... a friend was battling diabetes and had many complications regarding that. A good friend of mine and I went to visit him in the hospital. As we began commanding diabetes, pain and his body to line up with God's WORD, his body began to twitch. He would jerk this way and that. Every time we'd say "spirit of Diabetes GO!" his body would jerk immensely. His face was twisting and his teeth would bare like a dog. We cast them out and he was so relaxed. He said he had no idea what had happened, he was just asleep. He was able to go home from the hospital the next day and was up and walking! PRAISE JESUS!!!!!

The other demonic activity was with a friend of mine. She wanted me to command her eyes to be healed so she didn't need glasses. I began to minister and she said her eyes were zooming in and out like a telescope. Things would be clear, then blurrry, then clear then blurry. She lost vision in her right eye for a few minutes, then it returned. My other friend came over and all the sudden her muscles in her arm began to cramp and spasm and she was in quite a lot of pain. Then it moved to her side of her abdomen and she was in pain. All the while, my friend and I just kept commanding it to leave her body and within 5 minutes she began to lean forward and burp. And burp. And burp. That was the demon/demons leaving! She's FREE! Thank you JESUS :)

March 2011- A woman named Tiffany had severe tooth pain. She knew she needed a root canal because the dentist told her she had a cracked tooth. She told a friend of mine about it and my friend said "hey you should come to my life team and get prayed over". Tiffany was skeptical but said ok. She came and 3 of us laid hands on her. She felt tingling around the area of pain and the pain began to leave. The next morning she woke up with no pain. She was elated. She went to the dentist and they did an x-ray on her teeth to verify what was going on and they said "we don't see any need for surgery, your teeth are perfect!" She was blown away! She came back to the life team a week later because she had a tiny bit of gum pain (don't know if it was in the same area or a different area) but we laid hands and all of that left too and now she's got perfect teeth and doesn't need the dentist at all!!!!! Thank you Father!!!!!! Oh man I just get so excited!!!!

March 2011- had lunch with my amazing cousin Amanda. She had been sick for several days with a sore throat and headache. This was her 3rd sore throat (I think, Amanda???) in like a month. She also has been unemployed for months and really needed a job. We enjoyed lunch, I talked about the power of God and she told me what was going on in her life. At the end, we joined hands and I prayed. I prayed that her interviews she had the next day went well and that God would give her the right words to speak to receive a job. Then I commanded the sickness to leave her body. She was blessed. I saw her a few days later and she told me she GOT A JOB!!!!! Oh and she was feeling great :) God loves her sooooo sooooo sooooo much :)

I could write probably 2 pages of healing I've experienced in my own body, but let me leave you with the most recent one.

This was a few weeks ago, so the end of Feb. 2011. It was a Tuesday at school and I got my period. I was immediately in quite a lot of pain, but it subsided for the morning, then it spiked right before I brought the kids to lunch. I dropped them off and practically ran back to my classroom and locked myself in. I felt like I was going to throw up and have diarrhea. I laid down on the floor of my classroom and commanded life into my own body. Told my body that this was unacceptable and I reject any complications from having my period. I almost passed out at one point while lying there and within 20 minutes the pain subsided and I felt good. I was able to make it the rest of the day without pain. I even felt so GREAT I went to my life team that night to pray for others!


He gave all authority over sickness and disease to Jesus (hence the reason Jesus healed ALL who were oppressed of the devil). When I became a Christian Jesus came to live inside me (the Holy Spirit). What makes you think Jesus has changed? He's the same yesterday, today and forever the Bible says. If He healed then.... He still heals now!


  1. I love reading your testimonies Amie! They are very inspirational. God Bless You! Thank you for sharing with us.

  2. Glad to hear if Traderboy! Where are you located?
