Friday, November 5, 2010

Healing in Iowa with the McCoys!

Two weeks ago I drove down to Iowa City, Iowa to visit the McCoy's. This was probably the best decision I've made in a long time! They are amazing people :)

FRIDAY night Rachelle and I drove to the mall, walked into the food court. She told me that they like to command the spirit of unbelief and doubt that might hinder healing to leave, so she did that as we walked to the ice cream shop. She got ice cream. We sat near this couple who were also enjoying a treat. Rachelle and I talked for a few minutes before she said, "ok, let's go!" She got up and approached the couple. She asked them if they needed healing anywhere in their body or if they had any pain. They looked at us strangely and said, "nooo??" Rachelle explained why she had asked. Then she asked them if they believed in Jesus or thought that He is real. The guy said that he used to go to church and the girl said that yea, she believed Jesus is real. Rachelle talked to them for a little while longer, then we left!

We then approached two teenage girls. They both said they were pain free and that they believe in Jesus. The one girl kind of ended up telling Rachelle that "her religion was her own personal business" and it was clear they wanted us to leave, so we did.

We began walking down a crowded section of the mall and there was a man sitting on a bench. As we passed the Holy Spirit gave Rachelle a word of knowledge about his back. She veered around and went back to him. He said that yes, he was in pain, this was why he was sitting down. Rachelle asked if she could pray for the arthritis to leave, he said yes. She laid her hands on him and commanded the arthritis to leave. He stared at her :) Then she asked him if it was any better. He said no. She told him to be blessed and we moved on.

In the kids play area we approached 3 different people. Two of which had pain and agreed to prayer. The first lady told us she was healed and believed that Jesus was her healer. That was cool. The next guy and his wife ended up totally edifying us and building us up. They were Christians and the guy writes Christian poetry. He asked if we wanted to hear two of them. We said yes! They were wonderful :) Then before we could lay hands on him, he suddenly had to leave, so Rachelle grabbed his hand and blessed him real quick!

The third person was this man who smiled at Rachelle like he knew her. I personally, think he had been watching us the whole time and just wanted us to come over to him :) So we did, he said Rachelle looks like someone he knew. Anyway, he told us he had pain all over his body because his job is really stressful. We both laid hands on him and Rachelle commanded the pain to leave and peace to come over him. He said he felt better and asked his kids if they wanted to go to church on Sunday :)

SATURDAY we got to hang out and spend time fellowshipping and praising God before heading out to pray. After lunch, Bryan came over to join us and we went to the "pedestrian mall" which is an area full of bars, homeless people and drug dealers. Turns out there was a HUGE football game going on and all of the college students were at all of the bars and hanging out in the walkways between. Rachelle and I approached several VERY drunk guys, who coincidentally, were pain free..... but we were able to bless them and I know they felt the love of God flow into them. Jason waited with the kids while we prayed and Bryan wandered around praying for different people. Rachelle, Bryan and I approached a girl with Cerebral Palsy. She was very hesitant to prayer. She said she had been prayed for sooo many times and sooo many strangers had approached her but that nobody had in the last few years. She asked who we prayed to. We said Jesus. She made it apparent that she believed in Him along with other gods.... so as long as we were praying to the "divine being" all was good. She said she was very "at peace" with her condition. Rachelle said she didn't want to disturb her peace, but that we'd really like to pray for her. She consented. So Rachelle laid her hands on her, commanded sickness to leave. The girl said "ok, thanks, bye" and quickly left with her friend. I forgot to mention that meanwhile, as we approached this girl it began to POUR rain, so Jason commanded the rain to stop. It did, so we could finish :)

Then Rachelle stayed with the kids, who were enjoying running through a water fountain and playing on a playground. They chose not to heal the sick that day :( It's ok though, they're amazing kids and they've got incredible parents!!!!!

Jason prayed for a drunk girl who said her wrist hurt. She said it was better. Then Jason took me over to this area where the homeless are. There is one woman that Jason and Rachelle have been ministering to for weeks, so we went and talked with her! She was AMAZING! She is saving money, and almost has enough, to move to CA with her dogs and a few of the other people there to begin a new life :) Jason blessed her with money. I do hope she's on her way there now. Anyway, she had been healed of many things in the past month, but now she said her legs were sore from bike riding. Jason commanded the muscles to loosen. They did, but not all the way, so then I took a turn. She stood up and said it felt a lot better. We prayed a 3rd time before leaving. There was another woman there, Gene, who had an ear infection that was huge and close to her brain. She had to have surgery in a few days. She wanted healing for a headache though. So, we commanded the headache to go, she got kind of woozy under the power of God and said the headache was gone! Then we asked if we could command her ear to heal so she wouldn't need surgery. She said sure, so we did! I trust, she cancelled the surgery :)

SATURDAY NIGHT Jason and I drove 45 minutes in POURING rain, which we commanded to stop and it let up for us to finish the drive safely, to a small town where Kat and Roger live. Jason and Rachelle are teaching Kat and Roger about healing the sick, so they were a good couple for me to minister to! Jason told me I was going to do it all, and I was excited :) We RAN into the house, as the rain picked up again. Kat told us she felt something shift in the spirit realm as we approached. COOL!!!!!! We talked with them briefly before getting them healed. Roger was first. He had knee pain (something with his meniscus), arthritis in his fingers, back pain and a wound on his foot, I think he twisted his ankle or something. So, he sat in a chair and I commanded healing to flow into his body. He immediately began shaking under the power of God. The devil was leaving :) He stood up and said he felt about 60% better (?) so I hit it again. This time mainly his hands and the arthritis. He was able to make a fist with his right hand, which he couldn't do before! Hallelujah! He then went to the stairs with Jason to test out his knees while I prayed for his wife, Kat. Kat is an AMAZING woman :) She had knee pain as well, sinus issues and hormone irregularity. I commanded it to leave and she sat back under the power of God. She didn't move for a few seconds and just kept saying, "wow..." Then she stood up and went to the stairs to see if the knee pain was gone. It mostly was. And she could feel her sinuses draining. She sat down and I hit it again. She felt a lot better and the knee pain was totally gone! GLORY!

Meanwhile, Jason was praying for Roger some more. He worked on commanding all spirits that don't belong to leave and so on. Roger got BLASTED with the Holy Spirit! haha, it was amazing!

We then sat and had brownies and ice cream with them afterward! Wonderful people!

As Jason and I drove back to Iowa City, I realized I was no longer the same. I had taken the red pill (The Matrix) and I now had a new reality. I no longer live like the rest of the world. I am officially different ;) PRAISE GOD!

I did not want to leave the wonderful presence of the McCoys. They blessed me with a beautiful prayer before I headed back to Minnesota.

The McCoys are raising up 4 beautiful children in the CHRISTIAN lifestyle! The kids are already experiencing the power of God in their dreams, visions and experiences with their mom and dad. Seeing the way Jason and Rachelle live life, was the BEST experience for me! I needed this trip and it was gooood for me! I am so thankful to them. They opened up their home to a complete stranger from Facebook and welcomed me like family :) AMAZING!

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