-Oh ok, so wherever you go, it's because you're following Jesus?
Um, well no....
-Jesus doesn't direct every move you make?
No, not every move....
Everywhere you go, Jesus goes. He lives inside you. Exactly who is following who?
Luke 9:23 "And He said to them all. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, daily and follow me."
It seems to me, that if Jesus lives in me (HALLELUJAH!!!), that in a sense.... He is forced to go everywhere I go, right?
Christian is defined by dictionary.com as "christlike" and "a person who exemplifies in his or her life, the teachings of Christ."
I watched a series of youtube videos called "Lord save us from your followers". It was eye opening. As a Christian, I had no idea how people who weren't Christian felt about the body of Christ aka Christians. Watch it if you have time... or at least start. Each segment is 10 minutes long.... it'll benefit you to watch.
What does it mean, then, to "follow after Christ"? There were many definitions for the word "follow" but the one I want to emphasize is "imitate or copy". If we are followers of Christ, His disciples, saints..... then we are supposed to be imitating or copying Christ. WHOA!
Ok, so what does that mean?
Let's start with things Jesus Christ did not do. He didn't judge. Now, Jesus spent a lot of His time with non-believers aka sinners. Their lives were not being lived for God and Jesus showed them the unconditional love of the Father and they became believers! He preached, teached and healed I heard someone say once. Notice how He didn't judge. I would say He was firm and perhaps a little "mean" in today's standards in convicting His followers of doubting.
In Mark 9:19 Jesus is speaking to His disciples after they could not cast a demon out of a little boy "O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him (the boy) unto me." The boy was healed and Jesus told the father of the boy and the disciples that anything is possible to the person who believes. Basically, He's saying they didn't believe.... which is why they couldn't cast of the demon and heal the boy.
Is that judging? The definition of judge is: to form a judgement or opinion of; decide upon critically. Personally, I think Jesus just spoke the truth. In fact, I know He did.
Christians get accused of "judging" others a lot. And maybe we do. Maybe we go about saying what we believe to be true in the wrong ways. Jesus came and judged the world of sin. He in fact, took all our sin (and sickness) to the cross, so we don't have to bear the judgement of sin or sickness. We're free from it! GLORY!
But the world isn't free from it. If they aren't Christians. Some Christians choose to live in sin.... notice I said choose. because it's your choice to sin when you're a Christian. Before you were a Christian, sin was not a choice. You had to do it because you were of your father... the devil. Now you're of God, as a Christian, and you should choose Him and His ways! You might miss the mark from time to time, but you should feel bad when you do, thank the Lord for His forgiveness and move on! You also decide to not do that particular sin again. That's repentance.
Whoa, I've gotten off topic..... the point of this blog post is to challenge you and I, as Christians, to be very aware of this Christ we are portraying. Is it the Christ from the Bible, or some other christ we've made up? The Christ in the Bible, the One that I serve, went to the poor and broken hearted and fed them, clothed them, loved them, treated them with kindness, healed them, and showed them His Father's love. They believed on Him because of what He did. His fruit... the works He produced, represented who He followed! Jesus followed God. God lived in Him and went everywhere that He went. God did everything that Jesus did. They were One. Galatians 3:28 says we are One in Jesus Christ. If He lives in us and we follow Him.... then He also follows us since we are ONE together! If we are ONE, then guess what..... I do what He did while He was on the earth because He's STILL on the earth! He's on this earth via ME!!!!
So, once again, the Christ in the Bible, the One that I serve, went to the poor and broken hearted and fed them, clothed them, loved them, treated them with kindness, healed them, and showed them His Father's love. That's the Christ that I am ONE with. He lives in me, and I live in Him..... therefore, I do what He does and He does what I do. I don't want to mis-represent who He is by doing something that He doesn't want to do.....