He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen him after he had been raised from the dead.d
15And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 16Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages.e 18They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”
19When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand. 20And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.
These are Jesus' last words to His disciples, the people He spent the MOST time with. Notice the words in RED. This is WHO I AM! I am a disciple of Jesus. All born again Christians are considered the saints of Christ! So saints..... I can do the above mentioned signs and so CAN YOU!
Ok, so now onto my dreams..... the first dream I had sometime this summer, I don't exactly remember when. Anyway, in this dream I was in a house on a bay of water, alone and I could see people everywhere outside freaking out and running for shelter. There was a tornado. I was watching the TV satellite and seeing that yes indeed, there was a tornado. In this house there were windows on the roof, kind of like a giant sun roof and I could see a funnel cloud overhead. In the dream, I initially was scared and ran from room to room looking for the safest place to hide. (I guess there was no basement?) I finally decided standing in a doorway was the safest idea, so I did. Then something came over me, I got angry and stood and rebuked the storm like Jesus did (Luke 8:24). I saw the funnel cloud disappear. The clouds moved out and the sun appeared. I remember I went outside and everyone was hopping on boats to go back out and enjoy the day. I got onto a boat with some people but I remember I was still scared. I kept watching the sky. The dark clouds were off in the distance, but for some reason I thought they might come back.
I learned a lot about myself from this dream. First of all, the obvious. I commanded a TORNADO to stop and it did! GLORY! But secondly, I was scared. People, in this world, we should not be the scared ones. Satan and his posse should be the scared ones. We have the real power, the final authority in the earth. We should make satan regret his decision to fight against us. We fight for GOOD. Good prevails. Anyway, I learned that I have some more work to do on my heart to get fear out. Fear isn't from God. In God we have confident trust. We can rest in peace. If you don't have peace when you're commanding a storm to stop, then you're not totally depending on God.
I was with my friend Racheal and it was raining really hard. She commanded the storm to stop and the rain to lessen. It immediately did. In July this past summer, it was raining really hard as my parents were driving me out of Minneapolis. So much so that the couldn't see. I commanded the rain to lessen and it did.
Second dream: Just had this dream 2 days ago. In this dream, I was in a house/building of some kind with someone else and a few children. There was a big snake trying to attack us. We started running, it was catching up, so I turned around, put my hand out and said "NO STOP". (I don't remember my exact words, but it was something like that). The snake recoiled and hissed at me. We kept walking away and it just stayed there looking at me. Then I lifted the children onto some ledge where they were safe and me and this other unknown person kept running. The snake came at us again, and I stopped and turned it into a purple harmless snake. It slithered away.
The devil is referred to as a "snake" in scripture. Snakes are not highly looked upon in the Bible. Moses picks up snakes and shows his dominion over them. Mark 16 says we shall handle snakes with safety. Psalm 91 says we will tread upon serpents. The devil is under our feet. We have POWER over him. In my dream, I believe this snake is representing the devil. He's always out to get us and harm us. That's his mission. Our mission is to DESTROY his works. TO FREE THE CAPTIVES. TO SET PEOPLE FREE of this devil. In my dream, I had power and authority over the snake. I was more confident in my authority in this dream, than I was in the storm dream.
More dreams to come..... I would imagine. I have yet to raise the dead or heal the sick in my dreams.... that's coming!!!!!